for any info/changes follow me: @nickmilon

Welcome to Hellas’s documentation!

Some basic python utilities (classes, functions, snippets)

Description:Package is designed for efficiency and contents are spread over modules mainly based on import requirements. Modules are arbitrary named after ancient Greek cities (check individual module description for info about the city)

Dependencies:Only core python libraries dependencies for basic package. Any external library dependencies if needed are prescribed in module level.

Installation:pip install Hellas


See documentation of individual modules and classes

  • to run tests

    python -m Hellas.tests.tests -v


classes Diagram

Note:click on a class to view documentation

Inheritance diagram of Hellas.Athens, Hellas.Delphi, Hellas.Olympia, Hellas.Pella, Hellas.Sparta, Hellas.Thebes

Indices and tables