Source code for Hellas.Athens

"""This module contains only scientific functions and it is named after the ancient city of
`Athens <>`_
`and Athena the godness of science <>`_

import math

[docs]def ngrams(slice_able, n): """produces ngram of an object :param obj slice_able: any slicable object i.e string list etc :param int n: n-th grams :Returns: an iterator of ngram tuples (actually returns a list in Python 2.7) but always treat it as iterator for python 3+ compatibility) :Example: >>> ngrams("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 2) [('T', 'h'), ('h', 'e'), ('e', ' '), (' ', 'q'), ('q', 'u'), ('u', 'i'), ('i', 'c') .... ] .. seealso:: :func:`bigrams` """ return zip(*[slice_able[i:] for i in range(n)])
[docs]def bigrams(slice_able): """produces bigrams same as ngrams (x, 2) but more efficient :Returns: an iterator of bigram tuples (actually returns a list in Python 2.7) but always treat it as iterator for python 3+ compatibility) .. seealso:: :func:`ngrams` """ return zip(slice_able, slice_able[1:])
[docs]def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): """Calculate the great circle distance between two points on earth in Kilometers on the earth (specified in decimal degrees) .. seealso:: :func:`distance_points` :param float lon1: longitude of first place (decimal degrees) :param float lat1: latitude of first place (decimal degrees) :param float lon2: longitude of second place (decimal degrees) :param float lat2: latitude of second place (decimal degrees) :Example: >>> London_long=-0.126 ; London_lat=51.50; Paris_long = 2.350; Paris_lat = 48.856 >>> haversine(London_long, London_lat, Paris_long, Paris_lat) 342.55375272454864 :returns: float distance in Kilometers """ # convert decimal degrees to radians lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = list(map(math.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])) # haversine formula dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = math.sin(dlat/2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon/2)**2 c = 2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(a)) km = 6367 * c return km
[docs]def distance_points(point1, point2): """just a wrapper for :func:`haversine` :param tuple_or_list point1: (longitude, latitude) in decimal degrees :param tuple_or_list point2: (longitude, latitude) in decimal degrees :Example: >>> London = (-0.1262, 51.50,); Paris = (2.350, 48.856) >>> distance_points(London, Paris) 342.55 """ return haversine(point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1])
[docs]def bit_set(offset, int_tp=0): """sets bit of int_tp at offset to 1 :param int offset: position offset :param int int_tp: original integer or long (defaults to 0) :returns: a new int or long :Example: >>> bit_set(2) 4 >>> bit_set(2,4) 4 # because bit already set >>> bin(bit_set(16)) '0b10000000000000000' """ return(int_tp | 1 << offset)
[docs]def bits_count(int_tp): """counts all bits set to 1 in int_tp :Example: >>> bits_count(1234567) 11 """ return bin(int_tp).count("1")