Source code for mongoUtils.importsExports

"""Classes used to import/export data to mongoDB

from Hellas.Thebes import format_header

xlrd = None  # reserved to import xlrd on demand

def _xlrd_on_demand():
    global xlrd
    if xlrd is None:
            import xlrd
        except ImportError:
            print ("this module requires xlrd library please install (pip install xlrd")
    return xlrd

[docs]def import_workbook(workbook, db, fields=None, ws_options={'dt_python': True}, stats_every=1000): """save all workbook's sheets to a db consider using :class:`~ImportXls` class instead which is more flexible but imports only a single sheet :Parameters: see :class:`~ImportXls` class :Example: >>> from pymongo import MongoClient >>> from mongoUtils import _PATH_TO_DATA >>> db = MongoClient().test >>> res = import_workbook(_PATH_TO_DATA + "example_workbook.xlsx", db) >>> res [{'rows': 368, 'db': 'test', 'collection': 'weather'}, {'rows': 1007, 'db': 'test', 'collection': 'locations'}] """ _xlrd_on_demand() workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(workbook, on_demand=True) return [ImportXls(workbook, i, db, fields=fields, ws_options=ws_options, stats_every=stats_every)() for i in range(0, workbook.nsheets)]
[docs]class Import(object): """generic class for importing into a mongoDB collection, successors should use/extend this class :Parameters: - db: a pynongo database object that will be used for output - collection: a pymongo collection object that will be used for output - drop_collection: (defaults to True) - True drops output collection on init before writing to it - False appends to output collection - stats_every: int print import stats every stats_every rows or 0 to cancel stats (defaults to 10000) """ format_stats = "|{db:16s}|{collection:16s}|{rows:15,d}|" format_stats_header = format_header(format_stats)
[docs] def __init__(self, collection, drop_collection=True, stats_every=10000): if drop_collection: collection.database.drop_collection( = {'db':, 'collection':, 'rows': 0} self.stats_every = stats_every self.collection = collection
[docs] def import_to_collection(self): """successors should implement this""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _import_to_collection_before(self): """successors can call this or implement their's""" if self.stats_every > 0: print(self.format_stats_header)
[docs] def _import_to_collection_after(self): """successors can call this or implement their's""" if self.stats_every > 0: self.print_stats()
[docs] def print_stats(self): print(self.format_stats.format(**
def __call__(self): return self.import_to_collection()
[docs]class ImportXls(Import): """save an an xls sheet to a collection `see <>`_ :Parameters: - workbook: path to a workbook or an xlrd workbook object - sheet: name of a work sheet in workbook or an int (sheet number in workbook) - db: a pymongo database object - coll_name: str output collection name or None to create name from sheet name (defaults to None) - row_start: int or None starting raw or None to start from first row (defaults to None) - row_end:int or None ending raw or None to end at lastrow (defaults to None) - fields: - a list with field names - or True (to treat first row as field names) - or None (for auto creating field names i.e: [fld_1, fld_2, etc] - or a function that: - takes one argument (a list of row values) - returns a dict (if this dict contains a key '_id' this value will be used for _id) - >>> lambda x: {'coordinates': [x[0] , x[1]]} - ws_options: (optional) a dictionary specifying how to treat cell values - dt_python : bool convert dates to python datetime - integers_only : round float values to int helpful coz all int values are represented as floats in sheets - negatives_to_0 : treat all negative numbers as 0's - drop_collection: (defaults to True) - True drops output collection on init before writing to it - False appends to output collection - stats_every: int print import stats every stats_every rows or 0 to cancel stats (defaults to 10000) - drop_collection: if True drops collection on init otherwise appends to collection :Example: >>> from pymongo import MongoClient >>> from mongoUtils import _PATH_TO_DATA >>> db = MongoClient().test >>> res = ImportXls(_PATH_TO_DATA + "example_workbook.xlsx", 0, db)() >>> res {'rows': 367, 'db': u'test', 'collection': u'weather'} """
[docs] def __init__(self, workbook, sheet, db, coll_name=None, row_start=None, row_end=None, fields=True, ws_options={'dt_python': True, 'integers_only': False, 'negatives_to_0': False}, stats_every=10000, drop_collection=True): _xlrd_on_demand() if not isinstance(workbook, workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(workbook, on_demand=True) self.workbook = workbook self.sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(sheet) if isinstance(sheet, int) else workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet) self._ws_options = {} self.ws_options_set(ws_options) coll_name = self.fix_name( if coll_name is None else coll_name if row_start is None: row_start = 1 if fields is True else 0 self.row_start = row_start self.row_end = row_end collection = db[coll_name] super(ImportXls, self).__init__(collection, drop_collection=drop_collection, stats_every=stats_every) self.auto_field_names(fields)
@property def ws_options(self): return self._ws_options
[docs] def ws_options_set(self, options_dict): self._ws_options.update(options_dict)
[docs] def fix_name(self, name, cnt=0): if name == '': return 'fld_{}'.format(cnt) else: return name.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_').replace('$', '_')
[docs] def auto_field_names(self, fields): row0_values = self.sheet.row_values(0) if fields is True: self._fields_or_fun = [self.fix_name(fn, cnt) for cnt, fn in enumerate(row0_values)] elif fields is None: self._fields_or_fun = ['fld_{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(row0_values))] elif isinstance(fields, list): self._fields_or_fun = [self.fix_name(fn, cnt) for cnt, fn in enumerate(fields)] else: # then it has to be function self._fields_or_fun = fields return self._fields_or_fun
[docs] def row_to_doc(self, valueslist, _id=None): if isinstance(self._fields_or_fun, list): doc = dict(list(zip(self._fields_or_fun, valueslist))) else: doc = self._fields_or_fun(valueslist) if _id is not None and doc.get('_id') is None: doc['_id'] = _id return doc
[docs] def ws_convert_cell(self, cl): """ :Parameters: - cl an xlrd cell object """ # XL_CELL_BLANK XL_CELL_BOOLEAN XL_CELL_NUMBER XL_CELL_TEXT tp = cl.ctype vl = cl.value if tp == xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER: # number if self._ws_options.get('integers_only') is True: vl = int(vl + 0.49999) # kind of round if vl < 0 and self._ws_options.get('negatives_to_0'): vl = 0 elif tp == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE and self._ws_options.get('dt_python') is True: vl = xlrd.xldate.xldate_as_datetime(vl, return vl
[docs] def import_to_collection(self): super(ImportXls, self)._import_to_collection_before() outlist = [] for i in range(self.row_start, self.row_end or self.sheet.nrows):['rows'] += 1 row_values = [self.ws_convert_cell(cl) for cl in self.sheet.row(i)] outlist.append(self.row_to_doc(row_values, i)) if self.stats_every and i % self.stats_every == 0: self.print_stats() if len(outlist) == 200: try: self.collection.insert_many(outlist) outlist = [] except Exception: print (outlist) raise if len(outlist) > 0: self.collection.insert_many(outlist) super(ImportXls, self)._import_to_collection_after() return