Source code for mongoUtils.configuration

"""configuration module

    `(see connection string)  <>`_
    used to connect to a mongoDB server for tests and examples
    database name part of connection string is the database on which to contact tests

    .. Warning::
        - for safety database is not dropped after tests are run it must be dropped manually
        - it is possible for an individual collection in db to be dropped/overwritten if its name starts with muTest\_

testDbConStr = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mongoUtilsTests"

#  ######################################### don't write after this line #########################
# from mongoUtils.client import muClient


[docs]def get_dbtest(): """returns test db""" global TEST_CLIENT if TEST_CLIENT is None: from mongoUtils.client import muClient as TEST_CLIENT return TEST_CLIENT(testDbConStr).get_default_database()