Source code for mongoUtils.bugs

"""Created on May 20, 2015 use this module to demonstrate bugs (if any) related to this package, pymongo or MongoDB"""

from pymongo import MongoClient

[docs]def bug_example(): client = MongoClient() col_1 = client.temp.col_1 col_2 = client.temp.col_2 col_1X2 = client.temp.col_1_2 col_1.database.drop_collection( col_2.database.drop_collection( col_1X2.database.drop_collection( for i in range(1, 11): col_1.insert({'_id': i}) col_2.insert({'_id': i}) for c1 in col_1.find(sort=[('_id', -1)]): for c2 in col_2.find(sort=[('_id', -1)]): id = {'c1': c1['_id'], 'c2': c2['_id']} print (id) col_1X2.insert({'_id': id}) find_1_cnt = col_1.count() find_2_cnt = col_2.count() find_1X2_cnt = col_1X2.count() assert find_1X2_cnt == find_1_cnt * find_2_cnt return col_1, col_2, col_1X2